Friday, September 19, 2008

Eat In Place

Food travels. Typically, the delectable delights on your plate have traveled between 1,500 to 2,000 miles to reach your mouth, according to a study conducted by the World Watch Institute. If you crunch the numbers in a conservative fashion, three meals a day, 1,500 miles per meal that is 4,500 miles a day, and 31,500 miles a week. Whoa, a weeks worth of food for an average American eater travels as far as a typical American does in a year, where are the food frequent flier miles?

Thankfully for folks here at Rancho El Nogal, some of our food travels less than 50 m. to reach our hungry mouths, from the vine to my fork tine in 2 min. flat. This year our gardens are bigger than ever and are producing some delicious, nutritious, organic produce. All our chickens are free range, our hens are happily laying light brown eggs, and our nine little chicks will be laying in November. One momma pig will birth in September and the rest of our drove are growing and looking forward to acorns this fall. We gather berries, tunas, wild onions, teas and wild flowers for the kitchen table, during evening walks to view the sunset.

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