Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Like Suntan Lotion

This place sinks in to your skin and takes at least two weeks to be effective, just like sunscreen, you get sun protection in 20 min. that last a few hours. Here it isn't about protection, it is about lowering your protections, opening up and looking through new lenses, and I think it lasts at least a few years.

You can feel Rancho El Nogal sink in when you are letting yourself enjoy our simple composting toilet system, requiring you to carry your already composting poop in a bucket mixed with organic material to a pile to let it mature. You've a new prescription so as to see the beauty in transforming a bodily waste into a valuable fertilizer without a single flush. In the morning when you've changed your attitude so that you are thanking the rooster for crowing at sunrise so as not to miss the sight, or coffee. Seeing and feeling the results of your everyday work, from eating the eggs you gathered from the chickens you fed the table scraps you were too full to eat last night. To opening the door whose hinge you just fixed. Opening up to what is "around the bend", by walking forward to have a look.

1 comment:

Jayasri Dasi said...

I found you on organic volunteers and am looking to know more information about what you are doing and specifically have an interest in learning/volunteering in the new year. I'm wondering when you accept volunteers?
You can email me I would sincerely appreciate it.